Monday, December 26, 2011

Not At My School! Finally have time to vent....

I haven't blogged in forever but I thought I could pull off at least one post per week but noo......WRONG, FAIL! But the good intention was there....
But in the meantime, I've been blog stalking and looking at all of the wonderful arts and crafts EVERONE did over the holidays. Plus I've been reading about how the students were driving all of their teacher's crazy with all their hyped up behavior.
Said to admit, none of this went on in my classroom. Our ACADEMIC calendar was priority and it did not include anything FUN. (And I teach 1st grade!)We did finally make 2 "arts"y activities on the 19th and 20th. And my kids weren't all hyped up over the holidays because they are too poor! They don't get to go to the mall or stores to see all of the Christmas fan fair. They don't even have trees up. And NOOOOOOO Santa does not visit them so they figure they have been naughty all year. But Santa Matko (me) tried to make up for it as much as my pocket could afford..... Hopefully I made them feel a part of the season and that they were NEVER that naughty to get punished by not getting Santa's presents. So our last weeks of school were like any other ordinary day. I only wish my students would have been fortunate enough to do all of the above activities and been so excited about the holidays they were crawling out of their skins!
My Principal is also GREAT about the celebrating! So much more than other Principals in our district! She acknowledges our clientele and makes it the best she can for them. She supports everything we do, as long as it is for the kids! I am so fortunate to have her as a principal! And my Assistants are just as awesome! But our hands are tied to the curriculum no matter WHAT!
So for anyone that reads my blog, be thankful for all the things that make children, children and make children believe in Santa, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, etc.......and be thankful your curriculum still allows time for the fun things!

This is my life as I know know it right now.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stuff's the fourth week into the school year. I "think" I finally have a handle on my schedule and Lesson Plans.....key word..."think". I love teaching at my school. Everything and everyone there has made such a positive impact on my life! What a difference a year makes! (I'm still working on the Cafe. staff, ruff!)My classroom looks great and my students are draining every ounce of energy out of me but I LOVE THEM!
Scholastic is having a Dollar Deal Sale. If you use the code 10THANKS, you can get 10 free Books! Go to!

It's my life as I know it right now.....(and it's good!)


Friday, July 29, 2011

New School Year Resolutions Linky Party

I think as teachers we all make "New School Year Resolutions". I'm forever saying "Next year, I'm doing this different". or "Seriously....What was I thinking????? Next year, I'm not doing this at all!" Ha! Ha! But My School Year Resolutions are always ongoing. I'm always looking for a better way to do just about anything! That's one reason I LOVE stalking teacher blogs!

Stop on over at:

Clutter-Free Classroom

to read other great Blogger's resolutions and maybe post some of your own!

To start it off......I am going to hopefully:

1. Successfully incorporate all of the wonderful ideas I received from the Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations book study this summer. (Anchor Charts, I Can charts, etc.)

2. Revamp my Daily 5 and Cafe Literacy Work Stations with Anchor Carts and I Can Charts.

3. Incorporate more writing activities in my Work Stations and lessons.

4. Remain positive and encourage positive attitudes.

I will add more as I think of could go into the hundreds! Ha! Ha!

This is my life as I know it right now....


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shoes Unit

This is just ONE of the MANY free Units I have downloaded from talented, creative fellow bloggers! LOVE IT!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Things My Teacher Says.......

I'm famous for saying to a student who has a microscopic cut on their finger,:(I make like I'm talking on a phone with my finger and thumb...)Let's call 9 whaa whaa for the whaambulance! Maybe they can stop on the way and get you a whaamburger with the french cries! Always in a joking manner! LOL! The kids LOVE when I do this....I would never say this if their feelings were going to be hurt....


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Postcard Exchange!

I'm so excited! I've been picked to represent the State of Virginia in this awesome postcard exchange! What an experience it will be for my students next Fall!

A postcard exchange is where 50 teachers (one from each of our great states) agrees to have their students write and mail the postcards out to the other participants.

click here to read more!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations!

This has been an awesome book study! I will be incorporating this in my classroom next year. Who knows, I might try a trial version in summer school! We are on Chapter 6 this week and there are so many great ideas! If you haven't checked it out yet, Go to Oceans Of First Grade Fun's blog!


New and Improved!

Hello Friends!
I have been toying with this blogging thingy for about a month now. My first attempts were very lame (this is one step above, but still lame compared to some of the blogs out there)and I have finally now come up with something I am a bit more comfortable with. There are so many decisions when creating a blog of your own. I wanted it to be a reflection of me and what I do. I feel this blog title pretty much sums up my work life. And I LOVE it! I Love the new title and I LOVE what I do! Blog stalking is my latest obsession and I have gotten SOOOOO many new ideas for my classroom next year from the tons of very creative teachers! My printer is going to explode when I start printing it all! This is how I plan on spending my summer: Teaching summer school and blog stalking......hmmm...LAME but it's my life as I know it right now!
